Our Mission

To strengthen organizations seeking to improve the well-being of marginalized communities through transformative systems change.

Our Vision

Transformed social systems that promote healthy and thriving futures for all children, families, and communities.

  • Community-Centered: We strive to amplify community voices in all we do, ensuring that those most affected lead in shaping new policies and practices for their well-being.

  • Cultural Responsiveness: We begin our work by learning about the history, values, and practices of the communities we serve. We make every effort to tailor our methods to be culturally aligned.

  • Collectivism: We embrace a shared ownership model, rejecting hierarchical, colonial-based leadership. We believe diverse perspectives and lived experiences enrich our work, making it more meaningful and accurate.

  • Deep Relationships: Our partnerships are built on trust and authenticity. We're committed to transparency and truth-telling as we work toward shared goals.

  • Thoughtful Reflection: We acknowledge that research isn't neutral and is influenced by societal norms and biases. Through continuous self-examination, we strive to minimize harm and uphold equity in our practice.

Our Values

Meet Tenah Hunt, PhD, MPH (she/her)

Founder and Principal Consultant

  • After over 15 years of researching projects intended to improve community outcomes, Tenah saw a disheartening trend: traditional change efforts, at best, failed to create lasting change and, at worst, perpetuated harm by upholding oppressive systems.

    As a Black woman, a mother, and the daughter of Ghanaian immigrants, Tenah has a personal drive to see communities that have been excluded and marginalized not just survive, but genuinely thrive.

    This drive for practicing new strategies toward justice and equity was the catalyst for establishing We Thrive Consulting in 2023. Here at We Thrive Consulting, we are far more than a typical consulting firm. We're part of a movement committed to disrupting and dismantling systems of oppression toward liberated futures.

    Guided by Tenah's multi-disciplinary expertise at the intersection of public health, social services, and education, we employ critical, strengths-based, and culturally responsive strategic planning, research, and evaluation.

    Tenah holds a Ph.D. in Social Welfare from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Master's in Public Health from the University of Michigan. She has also received specialized training in culturally responsive program evaluation, further enriching our collective knowledge base. Together, we are unlearning the norms of white supremacy and colonial culture to center healing, love, and collective wisdom in everything we do.