You’re building a racially just & equitable world for children and families.

We’re here to provide you with the right tools.

Deep-rooted inequalities continue to persist in minoritized and marginalized families and communities who have historically been oppressed. Substantial barriers to quality education, affordable housing, clean neighborhoods, and affirming health-care result in substantially lower quality of life and well-being for millions of Americans.

Transformative systems-change for equity and liberation is needed.

It is also very challenging.

Passionate social justice leaders tirelessly work to improve outcomes for communities only to find that the same problems persist.

When social justice organizations don’t have the right tools, their impact is limited and short-lasting.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know your movement’s work is changing people’s lives, but you struggle to tell the story of what you do and how it is working. You miss opportunities to get funding and to bring people to your cause.

  • You’re frustrated with the lack of structure to embed community voice into coalition goals and decision-making. You feel like you are doing work on the community, not with the community.

  • Your organization is committed to creating new, positive futures in communities, but you aren’t seeing those values fully show up in the way the organization operates. You’re frustrated knowing that not all of your team-members are feeling equally valued and heard.

  • You’re running several initiatives, but you don’t have the time and money to keep them sustained and effective. You don’t know which strategies to focus on and which ones to let go.

  • You are creating programs designed to improve community well-being, but your efforts aren’t moving the needle in creating lasting change.

You aren’t alone. We got you.

We help grassroots movements, nonprofits, community organizations, researchers, coalitions, and funders to…

  • Fine-tune their strategies, identifying areas where their work will do the most good with the resources they have.

  • More easily measure and talk about the impact they have.

  • Promote wellness and equity within their organization so they can do their work healthier and better.

  • More effectively share leadership and decision-making power with the community they aim to serve.

  • Better understand the underlying causes of the disparities they seek to eliminate.

  • Establish a culture of reflection, unlearning, adaptation and growth.

We help you transform your efforts so you can transform systems.